由於美國聯合航空公司超賣機票引致非法暴力、強制把我同胞兄弟拖出機倉,從畫面顯示被拖者眼鏡跌落,鮮血淋漓滿臉,孰可忍孰不可忍?受害人又是亞裔中國人?美國聯合航空公司的所作所為,嚴重損害顧客自尊及權益,危害美國旅遊業發展,直接破壞美國民主法治係統,這宗事件又一再暴露出-「美國的種族主義及嚴重的種族歧視繼續性地侵犯人權」! Due to the United States United Airlines overcrowding tickets caused by illegal violence, forced of passengers dragged out of the warehouse, from the screen shows dragged glasses fall, blood dripping face, what can be tolerated? The victim is Asian Chinese?The United States of America did not seriously expose the United States of America's racism and serious racial discrimination, human rights"!
議題; 報告會務 简介本會帳務 公佈明年春宴日期及金星獎酒店及獲獎名單 任何問題請電辦公室 每年一度的中秋佳節将到,酒店華裔協會董事局,在此向全美酒店仝人致以節日問候,祝各位身體安康,家庭幸福.
中秋節又稱中國情人節,主要講述牛郎與織女的情結,由於人仙两地,所以建築一座銀橋,讓牛郎與織女在每年八月十五銀河會. 近年來,很多市民都不會送月餅,因為月餅太油,但經銷商也聰明,跟上時代,研創各種不同月餅應節,以适應市塲品味,市民們為了健康著想也會選轉而買其它禮物 今年是九一一恐佈襲擊十四週年,十四年前九月十一日上午,美國紐约市受到建國二佰多年最恐佈事件摧殘,世貿大樓由於受到两架內陸客機撞入大樓燃燒引致暴炸而倒塌,令三仟多人遇難,千萬家庭受牽連,世貿一带附近地區,包括唐人街猶如鬼城,到處唉聲嘆氣,整個紐約市進入軍警畀備,到處設崗安哨,好一派淒涼兼恐佈景像. 二零一一年,九一一拾週年紀念日,本酒店協會更聯合社區五十六僑團舉辦世貿911恐佈襲擊十周年追思紀念活動,當日酒店華裔協會更製造紀念幣及錄影帶分派给參與者. 雖然恐佈襲擊事件轉眼十四個年頭,但是属於災區的華埠仍然是生意不振,萬樣萧條,這究竟問題在哪?政客及社區如何看待呢? 橫眉冷看華埠空鋪處處,生意淡簿,封閉了十四個年頭的柏路,仍然是無人問津,重開無期,華埠一带舊樓宇大多因没有商户出租導致房東換人,看来外裔東主開始慢慢步入華埠,問題是為什麼這些新房東都是静悄悄悄悄地收買華埠樓宇,真令人尋味......。 紐約市柏路一直封閉,讓很多人至今仍然得不到政府和有關部門一個合理答案和解释,美國酒店華裔協會一直要求政客和社區尋求柏路重開,在追憶911恐佈襲擊十一周年圖片展記者招待會上,酒店華裔協會主席黃華清也多次提到有關柏路重開問題,遺憾是至今仍然没有見到任何重開反應.很多社區人仕只認為,柏路不重開,是因為市警察總局在那里,為了保障安全所以柏路不能開,這是當真的嗎? 美國在2001年的恐佈襲擊地方有三處,那些被襲擊過的地方就要封閉嗎?美國巳建國两佰多年呢 , 還在怕恐佈襲擊? 如果軍警合作又搞好預防,怎怕被人襲擊? 安全 ? 有誰還知道年前佈碌倫橋頂的两面美國國旗被人爬上橋頭換成白旗這件事呵.橋上每天都有警員在值班,為啥都被耍啦 ? 機柏路没有争取重開,最重要的是社區没有統一目標理念,所以没有推動力去爭取,三年前,華埠發展共同機構陳作舟就認為引進灰狗客運比重開柏路重要. 作為酒店協會,我們十分重視旅遊與酒店業發展前途,世貿重建開放及911紀念館開放已經讓遊客興趣前往參觀,按理遊客會從City Hall 順道遊筧紐約華埠,就是因為柏路的關閉而影響到近年華埠遊客逐年減小,更導致禮品店等小生意無力交租經營而倒閉,最近喜萬年餐館欠租而倒閉也是一個例子,所以爭取柏路重開是解决華埠繁榮與衰退的試金石. Marriott WTC Hotel Coworkers 九月七日是美國勞工節,每當想起這一天,心里面就有很大感慨,作為一名勞工人員,我們的責任不只是做工賺錢養家,而是怎樣去适合于你所要的工作,很多年青人讀完大學以後,很難找到自己選讀的專科而面臨找工難,其實本協會也遇到很多畢業後找工難而轉行找酒店工作的青年人.但做人要善變才可生存. 作為一名酒店員工,要面對挑戰很多,特別大的酒店遊客来自世界各地,酒店提供的也是頂尖的高檔服務,不論你是管理人員還是一般員工,都應該有一顆刻苦耐勞的工作精神心,老板與伙計都是沙煲兄弟的合伙關係,但是從現在環境所呈現的只有相互算計現像,因為打工的人只要求找一份如何舒服且福利好,薪酬高的職業,而老板就整天想辦法如何省員節流,途回報高來經營建界他們生意,故此两者均站在各自立腸,因此往往讓勞資雙方大打出手,更演變成勞工官司,請問 ? 究竟彼此可否"以和為貴"雙贏方式去匯合呢 ? 但又談何容易? 因為人都是自私動物,而且在有種族歧視的工作環境地方更顯而易見.... 酒店其實也存在很多種族歧視矛盾,本協會也解决過很多案件,特別是有工會的酒店一樣也時有歧視案發生,近月来, 紐約的麗斯卡爾頓中央公園酒店就發生一宗無理辞退華人員工事伴,事件發生後本人質問人事部主管,但她根本没有合理的說法,也不負責任地将合理聘請的員工無理辭退,現在案件仍在市勞工局申訴之中. 酒店業正在迅速發展,然而很多大小酒店也在興建開業,但很多商人却没有按照政府的勞工法向員工提供福利,其實酒店員工工作量也很大,很辛苦,如果她們享受不到合理工資待遇,這樣更容易產生勞資纠纷,因為老板們也要清楚知道;真正為你賺錢的機器是你的員工,而不是你所開的公司,萬豪酒店全世界已超過7仟間(包括品牌管理)酒店,但是你們又知不知道大老板MR. JR. Marriott是怎樣的經營宗皆和培訓他們的管理人員? 他曾經對著他的管理人員說 : 我們只有關心好我們的員工,這樣我們的生意才能成功,因為每天只有員工面對客人,了解客人需要,提供客人服務! 但現在萬豪集團管理層好像忘記了大老板的宗訓......... 在此,我也要向曾經與我共事在萬豪世貿中心酒店同仁,希望大家不要忘記'九一 一'十四周年,也向两位受難者家属致以問候,珍惜我們的生命與生活及幸存的人! 協會主席-黃華清 September 5th Whenever I think of Labor Day, I always feel grateful. As a worker, I can say that our responsibility is not only to make money to support our family, but also to adapt to the job we want. In the current economy, it’s extremely difficult for a college graduate to find a career in which they can utilize the skills from the major that he or she studied. Hotel Chinese Association has encountered many college graduates who are having difficulty finding a job, so they change their perspectives and start to look for a career in the hospitality industry. Adaptivity is the key to survive. Workers in the hospitality industry face many challenges, especially in the legacy hotels, because of the higher chance to encounter tourists from all around the world, and with such diversify clienteles, the services are required to be top of the line. From managers to general staffs, all should have a hard working spirit at work, and everyone should interacted more like family to family instead of employer to employee. The current situations at workplaces are that employees are fighting for more benefits and higher wages, while managements are figuring out how to cut down inessential work force and to generate higher revenue. Both have their own perspectives, and it often lead to conflicts, which will most likely result in a labor lawsuit. Everyone at the workplace really should communicate in a more peaceful way, but that’s easier said than done, especially in workplaces with racial discriminations… In facts, there are many misunderstands in the hospitality industry that originate from racial discriminations. The association encountered many of these cases before. Even in union hotels there are such conflicts and misunderstands. In recent months, The Ritz-Carlton Central Park Hotel unreasonably fired Asian workers. This case is current in the process of being review by the city’s Labor Department. In the rapid growing hospitality industry, many new hotels are opening. However, many of them did not provide benefits to employees in accordance with the legitimate labor law. The truth is, most hotel employees have tremendous amount of work every day, if they do not receive the reasonable wages, it will only cause dispute later on. The owners should realize that the workers are the ones that are making profit for the hotel, not the company you build. The Marriot Corp. has over seven thousand hotels worldwide, and the previous owner of the corporation, Mr. JR, said to the managements, “We should take care of our employees, and our employees will take care of our customers. Only then will our business become better and better.” However, the managements have long forgotten the lesson pass down from previous owners. Steven Wong President of HCA |